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Meg who?

A little about me and how I came to be doing this

Curious to know what I did in my past life? Maybe like you, I'm a corporate escapee. University educated in Supply Chain & Logistics (soooo boring, but surprisingly useful in this line of work!) and worked several years in Oil & Gas & Management Consulting. Prior to that it was all things travel - cruise ships, travel agent, ski rep, wherever a new adventure was waiting.

After a few years of corporate I felt "stuck". The monotony of commuting to work, following instructions, being responsible - I longed for a time when I called or the shots and made my own schedule and rules and now with a young family it was more important than ever.

I started my own business on a whim and it failed miserably. My husband started dropping the "D" word into conversation (divorce!) and my son hardly saw me while I tried to make my business work.

Thankfully I fell into the world of Kajabi, right out of left-field, but thank God I did! All of a sudden I had found my people, my calling, my passion, and 2 years on I'm ready to help other corporate escapees do the same. 

Wondering what it might be like to work with me?

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